Fear or Belief

It takes a lot of courage to be a human being.

I came to that realization when my kids were younger. They learned that bees stings hurt and getting hit with rocks is painful.

Friends move away and your heart breaks. Dogs die and go to heaven. But life goes on.

It is all a part of growing up, it is not the only part, but it is the hard part. It is what it takes to learn to be a human being.

Update from Church Council Chair Rick Story

To say that we are experiencing unusual times would certainly be an understatement. Through mailings you have received from the church and highlights mentioned during worship services, you are aware of the innovative ways that the work of our church has continued in these challenging times. While we are not able to gather together, we continue to be fed spiritually through the online worship services, including the three powerful Easter services last Sunday. Our entire church staff is doing an amazing job under the most trying of circumstances.

This is our Easter season!

“Early on the first day of the week, while it was still dark, Mary Magdalene went to the tomb and saw that the stone had been removed from the entrance.” - John 20:1

With her fears and her tears, Mary arrives while it is still dark and stands staring down an empty tomb. The Good News she is met with that day is that God does some of God’s best work while it is still dark.