Pure in Heart

I heard a story of a woman traveling through the woods who found a valuable stone. The next day she ran into another traveler who noticed the stone and asked if she would give it to him. She did so without hesitation.

The traveler left rejoicing knowing the stone would give him enough fortune for the rest of his life.

However, the next day he went to find the woman and gave the stone back to her. She asked him why he wanted to give it back. He said, “I am hoping that you can give me something even more precious. Give me what you have within your heart that allowed you to give me the stone in the first place.”

The pure in heart are people who have their heart centered on love.

Jesus says, “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.” There is a connection between our seeing and our being. The kind of person you are affects the kind of world you see and what you see affects what you are.

As we begin Holy Week, I want to encourage you to reflect on your relationship with God and with others. Ask the Lord to create in you a pure heart.

Prayer: Gracious God, guide our minds with your truth. Strengthen our life by the example of Jesus. Help us to be with Jesus in this week as he demonstrates His perfect love for us. Amen.

Pastor Jamey Prickett