A farmer had a neighbor, a constant complainer. The farmer decided to impress this man for once in his existence, so he bought the world’s greatest hunting dog, trained it thoroughly, and invited his joyless friend to go hunting.
Ministry is still happening!
Message from Pastor Scott
I wanted to update you on my coronavirus test. My doctor just texted that my test results came back: NEGATIVE.
Thank you God and thank you for praying! I have been overwhelmed by your love and support. So thank you, thank you, thank you
I’ll never take a handshake or a hug for granted again.
Stay safe. Stay quarantined.
Pastor Scott Hearn
Update from Pastor Scott
GFUMC Sisters and Brothers,
I wanted to let you know that I have been tested for the Covid-19 virus. I went back to my doctor this morning because of a chronic cough I’ve had for over a month. Strep and flu tests returned negative. So in an overabundance of caution I was tested for the Coronavirus. Results should be back anywhere from 48 hours to 5 days. I am to self-quarantine with my family members until the results are in. I will update you on the results when I get them.
Additional Closings
Since Governor Kemp’s announcement on March 16th that all schools are to close through March 31st, according to the guidelines of the Task Force, we are extending the canceling of our midweek ministries and in-person worship services through Sunday, March 29th. Since March 31st is a Tuesday, we agreed that the most prudent action for us is to close the church through Saturday, April 4th.
Announcement to the Congregation
Given the latest updates from Bishop Sue, along with Governor Kemp regarding the potential spreading of the COVID-19 virus, we will not hold worship services on Sunday, March 15th or Sunday, March 22nd. Additionally, all church activities beginning March 15th through Sunday, March 22nd will not be held. We feel this is how we can contribute to slowing the spread of this virus and protecting the health and safety of our members and community.