Sundays at Gainesville First

We love Sundays! For us, it's the best day of the week, because we get to see our faith family come together for a common goal, to glorify the name of Jesus! No matter who you are or how you prefer to worship, we have a place for you at Gainesville First.

Lakeside Worship

Sundays at 8:30am at Lakeside (May - September, weather permitting)

Broadcasting on-campus at 90.5 FM.

Lakeside Worship is held by the shore of Lake Lanier. You can worship from your boat in Serenity Cove, across the lake from the American Legion, or experience this casual, family atmosphere on land. Bring your lawn chairs, picnic blankets, or use the wooden benches provided. There is also a special brick-paved area at the entrance to Lakeside for those with physical limitations. Everyone is welcome! 

Classic Worship

Sundays at 8:30am (October - April), and at 11am in the Sanctuary.

The Classic Worship service incorporates hymns, prayer, scripture, and sermon. Stirring music by the Chancel Choir, special music provided by our youth and children's choirs, and occasional special instrumental music make this service a vital part of our worship as a congregation.

Chapel Worship

Sundays at 9:30am in the Chapel

Join us in the Chapel for a fresh, intimate worship experience with acoustic music, the Sacrament of Holy Communion, and Biblical teaching. All are welcome, come as you are!

Sunday Groups

Sundays at 9:30am

Whether you are retired or just starting a career, married or single, having that first baby or adjusting to an “empty nest,” you need community! We weren’t meant to do life alone!

Modern Worship

In-person service Sundays at 10:50am in the Great Room.

This is a casual and informal worship service with contemporary praise music led by the Worship Team in the Great Room. Children are invited to participate in Kid's Small Groups.