Update from Pastor Scott

GFUMC Sisters and Brothers,

I wanted to let you know that I have been tested for the Covid-19 virus. I went back to my doctor this morning because of a chronic cough I’ve had for over a month. Strep and flu tests returned negative. So in an overabundance of caution I was tested for the Coronavirus. Results should be back anywhere from 48 hours to 5 days. I am to self-quarantine with my family members until the results are in. I will update you on the results when I get them.

I feel fine, I just have a nagging cough. I would appreciate your prayers.

I am so thankful for our wonderful church staff that continues to move the GFUMC ministry forward all the while discovering new and creative ways to practice ministry. I hope you will express to them your gratitude.

Please stay safe out there and watch over one another. And remember, this is a temporary situation. I really do miss seeing you all and I will never take a handshake or a hug for granted ever again.

If you need anything, please don’t hesitate to call the church office at 770-536-2341. If the office is closed, follow prompts to the emergency line, leave a message and a pastor will return your call soon.


Pastor Scott Hearn