The Joy of the Lord is Our Strength

A farmer had a neighbor, a constant complainer. The farmer decided to impress this man for once in his existence, so he bought the world’s greatest hunting dog, trained it thoroughly, and invited his joyless friend to go hunting.

From the hunting blind the farmer shot a duck, which landed in the middle of the pond. Upon command, the dog trotted out, walking on the surface of the water, retrieved the bird, and dropped him at the feet of his master. “What do you think of that?” the farmer challenged his neighbor. To which his friend responded, “Your dog can’t swim, can he?”

We all know people like that. The world is filled with joyless people. Followers of Jesus, should not be one of those.

It may be hard to find joy in this season. The days are long and the nights are dark. We are faced with a sense of uncertainty. We cannot allow the circumstances around us to rob us of joy.

Take time out of each day to make a gratitude list. Name the people and things that bring you joy. Find ways to bring joy to others.

As the Old Testament character Nehemiah declares, “The joy of the Lord is your strength” (Neh. 8:10).

Joy makes us strong.

Prayer: Gracious God, forgive us for when we allow situations and circumstances to rob us of the joy that is found in you. Grant us strength in the days ahead as we lean into the joy that is discovered in knowing you. In the name of Jesus we pray, Amen.

Pastor Jamey Prickett