Lent Day 27 - Friday, March 24

For When You’re Hanging on by a Thread

Isaiah 55:1-3


Can you remember a time when you were just barely hanging on? Maybe that is today. God says “Come, you who are thirsty, you who have nothing, come.”


Grab a pen and paper. You are about to draw something—anything—that reminds you of your situation right now. Give yourself permission to be a little wild. No need to worry about representational accuracy! Just a playful drawing that maybe only you can recognize. (Yes, that IS a pickle in a jar. Don’t you see it?) So now, all around that central image, draw or write what represents the resources you have right now, the help you have, the people you can call, the chocolate that is still in the back of the fridge. Now write the date at the top of the page. The resources you have are your starting point. What is possible here? Just for today.


God, in the calculus of what is possible, help me start with resources and work from there, not from the problem backwards with all the weight of it bearing down on me. What can I do that is actually sustainable? Show me in real time, as I go, because I’m feeling a little fuzzy in my thinking, so action is probably my best bet. Let’s start there. Amen.