Lent Day 26 - Thursday, March 23

For When You Need a Little Hope

Matthew 6:5-15


Circle the words that best describe your relationship to prayer (any and all):

  • It comes easily.

  • It is difficult.

  • I always know what to say. I never know what to say.

  • I don’t think prayer works.

  • I think God listens.

  • Prayer makes me feel better. I pray whatever comes to mind. I prefer scripted prayers.

  • I pray when I don’t know what else to do.

  • I pray to be changed by God. I enjoy praying for myself.

  • I enjoy praying for others.


We don’t always know how to move through seasons when there is hope for someday, but someday is not now. Perhaps here, we need to learn how to pray. Jesuit priest Father James Martin describes how prayer is for everyone—believer, doubter, or no-thank you-er.

Listen Here


Pray the words of The Lord’s Prayer in Matthew 5:9-13 slowly, as if you are saying them for the first time. What stands out? What do you need, especially today? Settle on that part of the prayer and make it your own.