Staff Parish Relations Announcement

Dear Church Parish,

After nearly 15 months, our Pastor Mike Morgan will be taking a beneficial health/wellness and spiritual sabbatical effective January 1, 2022.

As many of you know, Mike has experienced some health issues, but he is on the mend. Your SPR has had long discussions with Mike, the District Superintendent and others and we want Mike to regain his health and vigor above all else. Mike is a kind and caring minister, and we, along with the North Georgia Conference cabinet, support his sabbatical 100%.

We are so appreciative of his gifts of pastoral care and his compassionate ministry while at Gainesville First. He will continue his role at our church through the important Christmas season.

Your SPR has along with our District Superintendent Alice Rogers mapped out a wellness and spiritual health path for Mike during his sabbatical.

We hope you will keep Mike and Karen in your thoughts and prayers during the coming months.

Effective January 1, 2022, the Reverend Jamey Prickett has been appointed by the Cabinet as our Interim Senior Pastor. At a later date, the Bishop will make a permanent appointment with consultation from our SPR in accordance with traditional appointments.

While we will be a preacher light for a six-month period, our church is blessed with the strong leadership skills and heart felt ministries of Jamey, Liz, and Carolyn and blessed with the other fine staff of our church that support all of us. We are confident that they will continue to rally our church in its worship and servant leadership.

We know you will join me in prayer for Mike and Karen, Jamey, Liz, Carolyn, our staff, our church council and your SPR as we together continue the impactful missions to the Gainesville community.

May God continue to bless Gainesville First United Methodist Church.


Frank K. Norton, Jr