Gainesville First UMC — Thank you.

Thank you.

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

Thank you for your commitment to God's work through Gainesville First United Methodist Church in 2022.

Your leadership in generosity contributes to the long-standing success of our community of faith. Because of your commitment to the ministry of this congregation, we are an ever-increasing effective witness to Jesus Christ. This congregation is grateful for you, and for the example you set for each of us on what it means to live generously as followers of Jesus.

This past year has reminded us that financial support is vital to carry out the church’s work. Whether we gather for worship inside our building, in our parking lots, or online, we continue to be the body of Christ through our ministries, our witness, and our care for one another.

Our financial gifts do remarkable things when they are transformed into ministry and mission.

To date we have received $1,490,341.36 towards our budget of $3,200,000.00. This commitment has come from 242 households who have turned in their commitment cards.

If you have not already done so, please turn in your commitment card by dropping it in the offering box outside the doors of worship or bringing it by the church office during the week.

You can also fill out your commitment card online by clicking the button below.


I am confident that as we prepare for 2022 the Lord will lead us into adventurous ministries where we are called to build bridges to Jesus Christ in our community and around the world.

Thank you for living generously and being part of our adventure of faith!

Rev Mike Morgan
Senior Pastor