Lent Day 10 - Saturday, March 4

For Who You Might Become

2 Corinthians 4:16-18


What period of time do you find yourself living in most—past, present,or future? What are the gifts and drawbacks of spending too much time in each? To where do you need to pull your attention today?


Write a note of gratitude to your past self. Thank them for what they did with what they knew. (Sometimes it helps to have a picture of younger-you in front of you. Look at how cute you were!) Now, write a note to your future self. Thank them for the courage it takes to become someone new. (And tell them their hair looks great!) Whisper a word of thanks to God for who you are in this moment.


God, what if. What if I walk out on this ledge and feel only the taste of my fear? What if I discover that what I carry cannot be shouldered? What if I live too long without that feeling? That I can set this down. God, fill me with a love that staves off all the darkness. Comfort me when I can’t think another reasonable thought. And if I can’t, I mean, I just can’t feel your nearness, hear you telling me that I am loved, send your armies of do-gooders, tuck my name inside their hearts. Give me people who love to hold more than this day can manage. And if you can’t send more than one because more than one would be nice, just send the nearest person to take things out of my hands and into theirs until I know again today that I should never be expected to walk this road alone. Amen.