Lent Day 9 - Friday, March 3

For The Life You Didn’t Choose

Psalm 46


In the aftershock of sudden grief, in the tender place of wonder and dread, what part of Psalm 46 feels true for you?


Maintaining hope in the midst of the lives we didn’t choose can sometimes feel impossible. Sometimes it can help to look toward people who really get it—like Jay and Katherine Wolf. Listen to this tender conversation which offers a wide view of their story of hard-won hope.

Listen Here


God, as I invite my soul to stillness, help me be aware that you are already present to me, and that you are here right now. Bless the stillness and the wordless wisdom that comes forward to my mind. Give me loving actions to do, that I might be for others in crisis, the presence that reminds them: You are held. You are safe. You are loved. You are loved. You are loved. Amen.