Lent Day 6 - Tuesday, February 28

For Beginnings and Endings

Isaiah 43:16-21


What changes (big or small) are you experiencing right now? What does this change feel like in your body (e.g. sweaty, butterflies, bubbly)?


Make your own ritual to say goodbye to what you’re leaving behind. Throw a party or ceremony to honor for what was (e.g. the end of a relationship, retirement, a changed body). Light a candle, buy a flower and choose the color to represent what you are leaving behind, and throw it in the river. Say a prayer of thanks for the freedom that this change represents. And then open your heart for what is to come next.


Read today’s blessing again (page 182 of The Lives We Actually Have), changing the word “we” to “I,” making it personal and specific to your situation. Spend some time asking God for the kind of courage or strength you need in this time of change. Conclude with a prayer of gratitude for what has led you here, and for what you are leaving behind.