Lent Day 5 - Monday, February 27

For an Unfinishable Day

1 John 3:1-3


“In this culture of more, more, more, make me less,” today’s blessing prays. Fill in the blank with your own answers to how you want to move against our culture’s exhausting pressures to be MORE:

  • In this culture of perfection, make me _______________________.

  • In this culture of effortless success, make me _______________________.

  • In this culture of judgment, make me _______________________.

  • In this culture of _______________________, make me _______________________.


Years ago, Kate took a day trip with her dad to see one of the crown jewels of Portuguese Catholic architecture, the towering Batalha Monastery. But the most striking part was a cathedral that was missing its roof. It was ornately decorated yet unfinished. And isn’t that the story of us all? Beautiful, striving, and never, ever done. Reflect on the ways that this unfinished cathedral shows us something about our imperfections.

Watch Here


God, I am grateful that when you look upon me, you see your very own creation, being made new in Christ. I love your eyes, God, seeing me this way. A work of your love. Amen.