Lent Day 39 - Friday, April 7

For Good Friday

Luke 23:1-47


What kind of love is this? Consider this question as you read the account in Luke 23:1-47.


Attend a Good Friday service at a local church or online. Good Friday is a powerful day of truth telling and honesty. It’s the ultimate moment of God’s condescension. If you’ve ever wondered how far God would go to be with us, this is it. All the way to the end. “‘I asked Jesus, ‘How much do you love me?’ And Jesus said, ‘This much.’ Then he stretched out His arms and died.” —Author unknown


God, draw me to the cross, there to stand with the others whose love for you feels the weight of it as loss, as grief. Your enemies thought they could end what you were doing, and render you pow-erless. Little did they know that love never fails. Show me again the truth of all that happened here. Amen.