Lent Day 38 - Thursday, April 6

For Maundy Thursday

Matthew 26:1-30


Honoring Jesus while he was near, that was the beauty of the lavish gift outpoured. How can the remembrance of this woman’s loving act guide you this day?


This ancient Latin hymn “Humbly We Adore Thee” is about the sharing of the bread and the cup at the Last Supper. It has a beautiful English translation, given below, and you can follow it as you listen to this sublime recording:

Christ, our God and brother Hear our humble plea; By this holy banquet Keep us joined to Thee. Humbly we adore Thee, Christ Redeemer King, Thou art Lord of Heaven, Thou to whom we sing. God, the mighty, thou hast come, Bearing gifts of grace; Son of Adam, still thou art, Saviour of our race. Jesus, Lord, we thank Thee For this wondrous bread; In our land Thou dwellest, By Thee we are fed. We who share this mystery, In thee are made one; Ev’ry act we offer thee In Thy name is done. Thou who died to save us, Live on as our light; Though our eyes are blinded, Yet our faith gives sight. Christ, do thou be merciful; Lamb for sinners slain; We in grief confess our guilt; Cleanse our souls of stain.

Listen Here


My Jesus, I love you. I pour out all my adoration as oil upon your feet. All my gratitude. All my joy. I come hoping to receive from you the food I need. Fill me with your very self, that I may live as one satisfied, and able to nourish and care for others with the kind of sustaining love you have for me. Amen.