Church Reopening Survey Update

GFUMC family,

We have received approval from the Bishop to resume in-person worship (as long as there is not a spike in positive COVID-19 cases, and the church is comfortable with returning) on Sunday, June 28.

The staff and I have been working on a plan to reopen but we are missing some important information, what are your thoughts?

We need to know how you feel about returning to in-person worship? What are the things you’ll be looking for to assure a safe experience? What are you willing to do to ensure an in-person experience will be as safe as possible.

You can expect an email on Wednesday with a link to a survey we would like for you to fill out. We will use the information you provide us to adjust the current plan as we move forward. The deadline for you to submit your survey is Sunday, June 7 at 6pm.

Also, I want to let you know the process that will be followed in signing off on the final plan. The staff will make adjustments to the current reopening plan, this will be looked over by our COVID-19 task force, then it will be submitted to the Church Council for final approval.

Please continue to pray for all of us as we move forward. None of us have ever lived through a pandemic. None of us have reopened a church towards the end of a pandemic. Please pray that God will lead guide and direct us.

I look forward to seeing you soon!

Pastor Scott Hearn