Kids Worship is back!


It’s finally here!  The time is RIGHT!! This Sunday will mark the beginning of KIDS WORSHIP!!!


During the 11:00 worship hour, elementary age children will go into the worship service with you & your family. It is important to worship as a family and for children to learn about the many elements of a worship service and corporate worship.  However, we know most of them are not ready to stay in the service the entire hour, so at the appointed time, kids will be invited to come to down to the front of the worship service for a Children’s Moment led by Miss Jennifer or me.  At the end of the Children’s Moment your child(ren) can do one of two things:

  1. Return to the pew or their seats with you for the remainder of the worship service.

  2. Come with Jennifer or me to the Children’s Worship Center for KIDS WORSHIP.

We’ll walk all the kids to the Children’s Worship Center where we will sing songs, hear a bible story, make something, and have fun! 

You, the parents, will come pick-up your elementary age children at the end of the worship service in the children’s lobby. 

What does this mean for preschool age children?

Younger children(birth through pre-K) will still be cared for in their small group classrooms during the entire 11:00 worship service, however, this hour is not just “childcare” for preschool age children.  They, too, will sing songs, hear a bible story, make something, and have fun!  You will drop them off and pick them up in the children’s lobby at the end of the service, just like always. 

What about the 9:30 hour?

If you are attending the Chapel service at 9:30 or your Sunday School/Small Group class,  your kids(birth through 5th grade) are welcome to attend Sunday School with us in the children’s area.  This time will look very similar to what has been happening on Sunday mornings since the church reopened in October. Kids will be in small groups learning and building a foundation for their faith.

With the new worship schedule and the beginning of Advent, it is important that you register each week.  Below is the link for both the worship services and for children who will be participating in any of the First Kids Sunday activities.

We hope to see you Sunday!

Mary Lina Pardue
Gainesville First UMC
Director of Preschool and Children’s Ministry