Daniel Fast - Week 3 Devotional


The Work of Christmas
by Howard Thurman

When the song of the angels is stilled,
when the star in the sky is gone,
when the kings and princes are home,
when the shepherds are back with their flocks,
the work of Christmas begins:
to find the lost,
to heal the broken,
to feed the hungry,
to release the prisoner,
to rebuild the nations,
to bring peace among the people,
to make music in the heart.

These words of Howard Thurman have appeared in my social media feed almost daily these past few weeks as various friends and groups post and re-post them. They touch our hearts and stir in us a reminder that Christmas is more than just a holiday with bright lights and festive music. The celebration of the incarnation of Christ is a holy event that calls us to live each day into the vocation for which God has created each one of us. To Thurman’s words we might add those of Isaiah from worship on Sunday that we are called to shine as “a light to all the nations” (Isaiah 49:6).  We are called to #showup.

As we enter into the third week of the Daniel Fast, perhaps you are already motivated to respond in a certain way to God’s call. Perhaps you are still discerning where you will make your commitments for this year. Within the care ministries of the church, you might consider these opportunities to be present with those in our community who are alone or hurting:

  • Stephen Ministry – if you have gifts of empathy, listening, and compassion, consider training to be a Stephen Minister to walk with those who find themselves in the midst of a crisis or life transition. A new class will begin in March.

  • Homebound Communion – assist Stephen Ministers 5 times a year in sharing the sacrament with members who are unable to be in worship.

  • Visitation Ministry - visit a homebound member once or twice a month and build or renew a relationship with him or her.

  • Assisted Living Worship – join a team to lead worship at a local assisted living facility once a month. Musical gifts appreciated, but not required.

  • Quilt and Prayer Shawl Ministries – if you enjoy textile arts, join with others to sew, crochet and knit prayers into blankets for those who are in the hospital or undergoing treatment as well as those who are welcoming new babies.

  • Bereavement Committee – offer support to grieving families by assisting with funeral receptions.

  • Forget Me Nots – send a card to a homebound member once a month sharing news of the church and an encouraging word to brighten their day.

Know that wherever and whenever you choose to #showup, your light will make a difference in the life of another. For more information on any of these ministries, please contact me, Jim Reavis, or Mildred Smith in the church office.

Grace and peace,

Rev. Carolyn Clifton