Volunteers Needed at Good News Clinic

Good News Clinics (GNC) is compelled by Christian principles to bring healing and hope to our neighbors in need. In recent months we have experienced a 10% increase in medical appointments. We need Physicians, P.As, and Family Nurse Practitioners who would be willing to give of their time and skills to those in need.

GNC is open Monday - Friday. Volunteer shifts are four hours (morning or afternoon) You can volunteer once a month or once a week, whatever works with your schedule. Good News Clinics is located at 810 Pine Street in Gainesville and serves residents of Hall County.

If you or someone you know has the medical skills described above, please visit our website www.goodnewsclinics.org or contact Robin Ketchem at robink@goodnewsclinics.org or 770-503-1369 ext.327.