Fast Like Daniel


We had a wonderful Advent and Christmas Season here at GFUMC. I am deeply indebted to all our staff and volunteers for their hard work and passion for telling the Good News of the season. Thank you.

And the Good News of the season is that God has come to be with us. We have not been left on our own to figure out our lives. God is with us. God has shown up. But now the festivities are over and a new year stands before us, actually a new decade. The message has not changed, but the messenger has. We are the Church. We are the Body of Christ. We are now the ones who are called to show up. In the past decade, our world has drastically changed. There are more people who don’t know the Good News of God’s love and grace than those of us who do.

I just drove over the bridge on Thompson Bridge Rd. It made me think: in order for us to be a part of transforming lives and communities by building bridges to Jesus Christ, you and I will have to cross bridges in order to show up for a lost and hurting world. How will you show up in 2020? I think that’s a great prayer for each of us to begin this New Year.

But as we look to the New Year, I want to push us a little harder to go a little farther. Throughout scripture we see believers praying and fasting as they sought the Lord. I am inviting our whole congregation to begin the year by participating in a 21-Day Daniel Fast. My initial intent was the invite our staff to participate. Then I sensed God increasing the invitation so I was going to invite our church leadership. God continued to enlarge the invitation to include the entire congregation.

The Daniel Fast is based on Daniel’s request to his guard in Daniel 1:12,16 - Please test your servants for ten days: Give us nothing but vegetables to eat and water to drink... So the guard took away their choice food and the wine they were to drink and gave them vegetables instead. Scripture says Daniel and his friends participated in this fast for three weeks and as you read the Book of Daniel you’ll see miraculous things happened!

Here is the gist of the Daniel Fast:

Do Eat

  • Vegetables!

  • Fruit

  • Whole Grains

  • Nuts and Seeds

  • Legumes (beans etc.)

  • Water

Do Not Eat

  • Meat

  • Dairy

  • Breads

  • Sweets

  • Alcohol

  • Soda

I participated in a Daniel Fast for 10 days this summer with my accountability brothers and it was a powerful time of spiritual renewal and direction for me. You can find everything you need to know about participating in a Daniel Fast at the link below. There is also a 21-day devotional that will walk you daily through your fast.

Why are we doing this? To prepare our church for what God has in mind for us in 2020 and to ask God: Where are you calling me to show up? To help offer direction with this question, one of our pastors will write a devotion to begin each of the three weeks. For each day that week they will include a be with opportunity that GFUMC provides within the ministries they oversee. The fast will begin on Monday, January 6, 2020. We’ll give everyone a chance to settle back into their routines after the holidays.

Now I know for health reasons and dietary needs everyone cannot participate. But I know this about you, if you could, you would. So my invitation to you is to do what you can. We are all part of the Body of Christ that comprises GFUMC and everyone has a part.

You’ll be hearing more about this, but in the meantime, below are the links to learn more about The Daniel Fast. You can also find the 21-Day “Fast Like Daniel” Bible Reading Plan on the YouVersion Bible app.

Looking forward to seeking the Lord together with you,

Pastor Scott