2018 Christmas Eve Offering

In Tanzania, one in nine children die before their fifth birthday, and one in fifteen do not make it through their first year. Lack of quality medical care is a major contributor to these deaths.

An estimated 34% of Tanzanian children are growth stunted due to chronic malnutrition, well above global averages. 

What is the solution?

Dr. Steve Swanson is leading a team of doctors and nurses in sharing the love of Christ through caring for some of the most vulnerable children in Tanzania.

Dr. Swanson and his wife serve in the only Pediatric NICU in the country of Tanzania.

Since his arrival, there has been a dramatic decrease in infant mortality. This is the result of a team effort – better physician training, improved access to medications and equipment, and nutritional/food support.

Through the support of the Christmas Eve Offering, we will be equipping Dr. Swanson and his team by covering the expenses associated with the medical care. Our goal is $20,000.00 to fund Selian Hospital bed fees for children with severe malnutrition.

These are typically children less than 5 years of age, who are admitted with pneumonia, tuberculosis, severe diarrhea, and are among the poorest families in the community.   This allows 12 small children with severe malnutrition to be hospitalized each day, without having to pay the basic bed fee or medications.  The estimated benefit would be 300-500 children/year.

We have an opportunity to build a beautiful bridge to Jesus Christ and the Tanzanian people. A bridge not only to physical healing but also spiritual wholeness for all the families that encounter the love of Christ through the work of Dr. Swanson and his team.

May the hope heard through the prophet Jeremiah be experienced in all the children in Tanzania through our generous support: “I will heal them and reveal to them the abundance of peace and truth” (Jeremiah 33:6).

If you would like to support the Christmas Eve Offering, click the button below. You can give your gift online, by text, or in person during any of our Christmas Eve services. 

If you would like more information about Dr. Swanson and his work in Tanzania, contact Misty Leach at mleach@gfumc.com.

Thank you for sharing your generosity during the Christmas season!


Rev. Jamey Prickett
Associate Pastor
Gainesville First UMC