Kindness Cards

“God shows undeserved kindness to everyone” (I Peter 5:10 CEV). We see this through the life of Jesus Christ, and as His followers we are challenged to do the same.

Just as bridges are built one piece at a time, kindness starts with one simple act. That act of service could change the course of someone’s life for the better. This October we invite you to be a bridge builder and engage our community with one simple act of kindness at a time.

Whether you pick up the check for someone’s lunch, bring them a coffee, or take the neighbor’s trashcan to the curb, you can be part of inspiring kindness in Gainesville.

Step 1

Pick up a bundle of Kindness Cards to show God’s love in our community.

As you participate in your acts of kindness, we would like for you to leave a card behind. This card doesn’t identify you but it does connect your act with a God and a church that wants people to know they are loved and welcome.

Step 2

Tell us your bridge building story at GFUMC.COM/YOURSTORY

We want to celebrate and share the bridges you are building!

Kindness is a fruit of living out a Spirit-filled life (Galatians 5:22). Our kindness towards others is a reflection of God’s heart toward us. So let’s get to work! Let’s seize the city of Gainesville with kindness and see what change God will bring.