Lent Day 13 - Wednesday, March 8

For When You Can’t Love Yourself

John 10:10-11


What would “life in all its fullness” look like for you?


What do you do with a world that is full of things to fear, people we won’t please, kids who die, and parents who don’t change? Writer Anne Lamott doesn’t sugar-coat a single terrible thing, but knows that we also need the kinds of truths we can stand on—like that we, warts and all, are loved and chosen by God.

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God, who do I need to become, now that this is the world we have and this is the people we are—holy, imperfect, sloppy, joyful, angry, irritated, tired, or maybe just hungry, loved and chosen. So let’s start there. Let’s be people together with all of our frayed edges, with the things we admit only to our best friends, with the people who are hard to love, impossible to forgive—beginning with ourselves. Amen.