Lent Day 33 - Friday, March 31

For the Givers Who Need to Receive

Acts 20:32-36


When you read today’s blessing, did someone come to mind who needs this kind of support? Or perhaps it’s you? How can you show support to them today?


Think of what would feel like support to the person you thought of and do it. Send an encour-aging text or a coffee gift card. Offer to mow their lawn or drop off a meal. If you’re the one in need of support, will you tell a friend how they could be supportive of you today? It can feel difficult to ask for what we need, but shouldering one another’s burdens is what can help get us through sometimes.


God, help me be open to see the suffering around me. Give me the willingness to come close, and be with them right there in the hard place. Show me what’s important in their world right now, and please give me the words to say, or perhaps even just the quality of silence that is most meaningful. Amen.