Lent Day 16 - Saturday, March 11

For When You Feel Stuck

Revelation 22:1-5


Being stuck may feel like living in a deserted place, with no landmarks and no map. The river of the water of life and the beauty of the garden might feel unattainable. But don’t forget that it flows underground. Ask yourself, what do I already know of love, even here? How can I send down roots into the hidden places where love still lives?


When we are stuck spiritually or emotionally, we could use a spiritual reset, but we often can’t engineer it for ourselves. If we could, we would! But what we can do is to use our physical bodies to playfully disrupt our habits. We can deliberately switch things up, to see how unclenching from our patterns can create new ones. For example, if you usually sit down to pray, then stand or walk or kneel or lie face down on the floor. Or get into a pool or bathtub and float through your prayers. Somehow, changing one thing can lead to the sense that other things are possible.


God, release what is stuck, and let all that I am holding flow into the vast ocean of your love. Let all that I desire flow to your heart of compassion. Let all that I long to do mingle with your power already at work in the world. Amen.