Current Adult Discipleship Content
Check Facebook and Instagram for constantly changing content.
Join the Gainesville First Online Family Facebook Group. This is a private group for our members to interact, get to know each other, and talk about faith in a safe environment. You can share your heart, ask for prayer, and encourage others here!
Lunch Bible Study - 12 - 1pm in-person and on Zoom, anyone is welcome to join us.
How would you hear the sermon differently if you prepared your heart in advance? Join us at noon each Monday as we discuss the scripture texts for the upcoming Sunday sermon. Interested in joining? Contact Rev. Liz Millar to be added to the Zoom contact lists.
RACE Sunday School Class is meeting via Zoom each Sunday at 10:00am hosted by Stacey Terry. Most of the people in this class are raising their middle high, senior high and college age kids. They join for a discussion of Scriptures that will help them grow in their faith and live out their faith with their families, friends and in their workplaces. If this speaks to your heart and sounds like a place for you to connect in a small group, contact Rev. Sandy Skinner.
Lost and Found Sunday School Class is meeting via Zoom every Sunday morning at 10am. Margot Mickle hosts this group of couples and singles. This is a small group open to growing their numbers. Currently, they are making their way through Seven Words, a Lenten study, by Susan Robb For information on how to join this group, contact Rev. Sandy Skinner.
COMET Sunday School Class is meeting in-person Sunday at 9am, as well as on Zoom hosted by Jim Whitlock. This class has studied together for years and continues to share their faith and their lives with one another, and all those God brings in their path. Each week a leader guides the class through a lesson which includes a robust discussion. If you are looking for a place to connect with those who are retired from work, yet fully engaged in life, please consider joining them. For more information, contact Rev. Sandy Skinner.
Seekers Sunday School Class is meeting in-person outside at the Pavilion close to our Lakeside worship space weather permitting. They meet immediately following our 8:30 worship service. Please bring a lawn chair and join this dynamic group of individuals. They are using weekly lessons from Wired Word, which can be accessed This is a member-led, discussion orientated group that enjoys Biblical and Spiritual topics. The Seekers class seeks to grow and learn through study, outreach and fellowship. They are a prayerful, caring, sharing and loving group. For more information regarding this class, contact Rev. Sandy Skinner.
CrossTies Sunday School Class is meeting on Sundays at 10am via Zoom. This class seeks to foster spirited discussions of life, faith and how they intersect. We are particularly focused on contemporary Christian theology, social issues, and the spiritual life. Everyone is welcome. Please contact Rev. Sandy Skinner at to join this class.
Aldersgate Sunday School Class is meeting in-person Sunday at 9:30am in the Reception Hall, as well as on Zoom. Contact Rev. Sandy Skinner for more information.
Tribe Sunday School Class – meeting outside at the Lakeside Pavilion. Contact Rev. Sandy Skinner for more information.
Renovation Sunday School Class – starts back September 12. Contact Rev. Sandy Skinner for more information.
Scrap Pile Sunday School Class – not currently meeting. Contact Rev. Sandy Skinner for more information.