Q: When will Student Ministry re-open for in-person gatherings in 2021?

A: Our in-person gatherings are now scheduled as follows:

527 and Life Groups on Sunday nights begin January 10*
Jumpstart on Tuesday mornings begin January 12*
Bible Study on Wednesday nights begin on January 13*

*These dates will be monitored as new COVID information becomes available

Q: What safety measures will you put in place as you re-open?

A: For gatherings outside - We will be providing hand sanitizer. We will be helping students to Socially Distance while on campus.
A: For gatherings inside the building - We will be providing hand sanitizer and masks at each of our entry points. We will be helping students to Socially Distance and masks will be required. The size of groups in our classrooms, Worship areas and community gathering areas will be limited and monitored.

Q: What general safety guidelines will be in place as you re-open?

A: These are the Safety Guidelines for all students and volunteers:
1) STAY HOME IF YOU’RE SICK: Do not attend if you have a fever, are feeling sick or have been in close contact with someone who has tested
positive for coronavirus.  
2) WASH YOUR HANDS: Be sure to wash your hands often and thoroughly. We also encourage you to use hand sanitizer that will be available
during our gatherings.
Please help us keep everyone safe by maintaining social distancing and refraining from touching anyone else.
Do not share any food/drinks.
4) WEAR A MASK: Masks are required inside the building. We recommend wearing a mask anytime you are within 6 feet from someone for more than
15 minutes at a time. (CDC Guidance)
You are welcome to bring your own mask or we will have extras available if needed.

Click here for a detailed safety guidelines policy statement