Catching Kindness - 15 Ways To Love Others


This coming week (Feb. 10-16) we’re challenging everyone to show kindness in our community. Be sure to grab your Catching Kindness card and Kindness cards this Sunday.

Here are 15 ways to show love and kindness to others:

  1. Bring doughnuts or dessert to work.

  2. Leave a positive note or send a positive text message.

  3. Give someone a compliment.

  4. Buy the person behind in line their morning coffee.

  5. Bring flowers to someone in a nursing home.

  6. Send someone a handwritten letter or postcard.

  7. Send someone a care package.

  8. Take someone out to lunch.

  9. Randomly give a $5 gift card to someone.

  10. Bake someone a treat.

  11. Write a list of things you love about someone.

  12. Leave a larger tip than normal.

  13. Leave a treat in the mailbox for the mailman.

  14. Spend one day saying only positive things about people.

  15. Pay for someone’s meal at a restaurant.

We can’t wait hear how you are building bridges with the people around you, so be sure to share your kindness story with us at or just use the hashtag #gfumccatchingkindness.

General Conference 2019: Video Livestream


livestream begins Saturday, February 23 at 10am - Tuesday, February 26 at 7:30pm

The Council of Bishops has called a Special Session of the General Conference of The United Methodist Church to be held February 23-26, 2019 in St. Louis, Missouri. The purpose will be to receive and act on a report from the Commission on a Way Forward based on the recommendations of the Council of Bishops. The 32-member Commission was authorized by General Conference 2016 and appointed by the Council of Bishops to examine paragraphs in The Book of Discipline concerning human sexuality and exploring options to strengthen the unity of the church.

Good Samaritan Fund


The money collected through our Good Samaritan Fund allows us to live out Jesus’ command to “love our neighbor.”

Recently, a couple in their 70’s came to us for help. They had no water for several days and she was going back into hospital for another surgery. We paid to have their water turned back on and gave them food.

We invite you to give to the Good Samaritan Fund this Sunday, February 3.

Oberammergau and Danube River Cruise Trip 2020


Are you interested in a trip to see the Oberammergau Passion Play and cruise the Danube River?

Cruise in style aboard an AmaWaterways river ship after spending 4 days in Germany and Austria and witnessing the Oberammergau Passion Play. Your cruise embarks from Vilshofen and winds its way through Europe.

From Pastor Scott

This trip is open to new host bookings now and is scheduled for June 8-19, 2020. Cost begins at $5998 per person. This includes airfare from New York. From Atlanta it is currently another $298.

Use the link below to see the itinerary and details of the trip and payment information. You can also register for the trip online using the button link below. Or you can download the brochure from this link, print it out and mail it in along with your registration payment to the address listed.

My TOUR HOST ID IS: 51686. Make sure you include it so you’ll be a part of our group.

I WOULD ENCOURAGE YOU TO GO AHEAD AND SIGN UP IF YOU WANT TO GO ON THIS TRIP! This is the third set of dates EO has offered for this trip, and they have all filled up quickly. I have my name on this trip but the ship only holds 162 passengers and if you want to go on this trip I want you to get a spot.

A couple videos about the Passion Play: Video 1 | Video 2

About the AmaSerena River Cruise Ship

If you have any questions please feel free to reach out to me. Looking forward to experiencing this Epic Adventure with you.


Pastor Scott Hearn

Grief Support Group


Thursdays, beginning January 17 / 10 - 11:30am / S-02

Though every experience of grief is unique, there is no need to walk the journey alone. By joining with others who have lost a loved one to share experiences and learn about grief, we can find hope and begin to move towards reconciliation. This group is free and open to the community. Contact Rev. Carolyn Clifton for more information.

This group will meet every Thursday, January 17 - April 11. No meeting April 4.