Adult Music
Gainesville First offers a thriving and diverse program of music and fine arts, including choirs and handbell ensembles for all ages, plus a concert series presenting four or five productions annually. Classic Worship services are enhanced every Sunday by our Chancel Choir and 41-rank Reuter organ. Chapel and modern worship services are led by our Praise Team. There is something for everyone who loves the arts and many ways to become involved both on stage and behind the scenes.
Chancel Choir
The Chancel Choir performs in traditional worship throughout the year. Rehearsals are 7:00-8:30 p.m. Wednesdays. Annual performance highlights include the Christmas Festival Concert, accompanied by full symphonic orchestra, and the Patriotic Celebration, presented in partnership with the Believers Concert Band. For additional information about the Chancel Choir, please contact Worship Arts Director John LaForge.
Lakeshore Carillon Ringers
This advanced hanbell choir is comprised of experienced ringers and provides music for traditional worship services monthly from September through May. A successful audition is required for participation. Rehearsals are Monday evenings. Those interested in arranging an audition should contact Keith Jefcoat.
This handbell choir is open to youth grades 6 through 12 and adults. They meet Wednesdays at 6 p. m. in room N-111. The CarilLaniers ring in traditional and contemporary worship several times throughout the year between September and April. Ability to read music is beneficial but not required. The CarilLaniers are directed by Linda Butler.
Praise Team
The Praise Team prepares the music for two worship experiences each Sunday morning - Chapel@9:30 and Living Waters (meets in the GREAT Room at 10:55 a.m.). Contemporary worship coordinator Michelle Alexander serves as leader of these worship experiences and musicians. The team rehearses from 7-8:30pm Wednesdays and on Sunday mornings from 8-9:15 a.m. Please contact Michelle Alexander for additional information.
Wesleyan Voices
This 24-voice auditioned ensemble performs a variety of modern and traditional music several times throughout the year, primarily in the traditional worship setting. A successful audition is required for participation. Rehearsals are on occasional Wednesdays as scheduled by the director. To arrange an audition, please contact Worship Arts Director John LaForge.
The Believers Concert Band
Gainesville First is honored to sponsor The Believers Concert Band. The band began in 2002 with six charter members and has grown to a membership of over 60 musicians of all ages. If you ever played an instrument and would like to recover those musical skills, you’re welcome in the Believers Concert Band. Contact the church office, at 770.536.2341, for more information. The band plays for community as well as church events.