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Staff Love Offering

December 1st - December 15th / All services

As we approach the season of Thanksgiving, Christmas and the end of the year, I hope each of you can reflect on the many blessings you have received from being a part of GFUMC. The opportunities to worship, serve, and enjoy fellowship are bountiful. Our clergy and staff contribute much to making these opportunities available to us. This season is a good time to let them know they are appreciated. This can be done by a “thank you” in person, a card or letter, or by contributing to our annual Staff Love Offering. Gifts can be made until Sunday, December 15. You can write a designated check, give online or place your donation in a Staff Love Offering envelope that can be found in the church pews and place it in the offering plate.
The Staff Parish Relations Committee thanks you for your past and continued support of GFUMC and its staff through your prayers, service, and gifts.

Earlier Event: November 24
Casserole Sunday
Later Event: December 1
Advent Sermon Series