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Lenten Quiet Spaces

  • Gainesville First United Methodist Church 2780 Thompson Bridge Road Gainesville United States (map)

during Lent / Monday - Friday, 8am - 6pm / Gathering Room

Throughout the history of the Church, Lent has been a season of penitence and reflection as we prepare our hearts to receive the gift of Easter. During these 40 days, we commit to spending intentional time with God as we cry out with the psalmist: “Create a clean heart for me, God; put a new, faithful spirit deep inside me!” (Psalm 51:10 CEB).  

This year the ministry teams of the church are creating weekly Quiet Spaces to help us experience God’s ever present love and care through scripture reading, prayer, creative expression and reflective activities.

Each Quiet Space will be self-guided, but will also be introduced in a video in the Monday email and on social media from February 22 - March 29. The stations will be available throughout the week in the Gathering Room and we will be following Covid precautions. Intergenerational instructions and all materials will be provided. We encourage one individual or family to experience the station at a time. May we all experience God’s steadfast love and mercy as we focus on God’s presence with us.  

Earlier Event: February 21
Back in the Building & New Worship Schedule
Later Event: March 2
Easter Candy Collection