January 6-26
Now that a new year stands before us, I’m focused more than ever on our mission to transform lives and communities by building bridges to Jesus Christ. Throughout scripture we see believers praying and fasting as they sought the Lord, so I am inviting our entire congregation to begin 2020 by participating in a 21 Day Daniel Fast.
I participated in a Daniel Fast for 10 days this summer, and it was a powerful time of spiritual renewal and direction for me. I want the same thing for you! I wish to prepare our church for what God has in mind for us in 2020, and I want us to ask God: Where are you calling me to show up in the new year?
To help offer direction with this question, each week one of our pastors will write a devotion and that includes show up opportunities. We’ll also give everyone a chance to settle back into their routines after the holidays. The fast will begin on Monday, January 6.
Now I know for health reasons and dietary needs everyone cannot participate. But I know this about you, if you could, you would. So my invitation to you is to do what you can. You can learn all about the Daniel Fast and the 21 Day “Fast Like Daniel” Bible Reading Plan at gfumc.com/blog.
Looking forward to seeking the Lord together with you,
Pastor Scott