September 9 / 4 - 6pm / Children's Worship Area
Cub Scouts now open to all 1st – 5th grade boys and girls! Scouting is a family oriented organization. Scouting develops character, leadership, communication, and good citizenship.
GFUMC Cub Scout Pack 16 is signing up new members (boys and girls) to join the fun, adventure, and character-building opportunities found in Cub Scouts!
If you’d like to learn more about Cub Scouts, come to our September 9 den meeting!
Contact Jim Martens at 770-815-8537 for additional information.
If you are interested in joining one of our other Scouting groups, contact:
Boy Scouts - Dr. Robert Bruner at 770-532-7207;
Daisy & Girl Scouts - Patty Laine at 770-532-6551.